Answers and information
How long until I get better?
How much does it cost?
But I'm on a budget. Can I afford it?
Which payment methods are accepted?
What can I expect at a consultation?
When is a follow-up required?
Is Naturopathy a long-term thing?
How should I prepare for my first consultation?
How can I order supplements if they are recommended?
Why should I see a Naturopath to have specific supplements recommended to me?
How long until I get better?
- Since Naturopathy is used to help a massive range of health conditions, it will vary from person to person as to how quickly you improve. We as people are all individuals and our bodies all operate at different speeds during the healing process. Normally health issues need work and time, especially if they are chronic conditions or acute conditions that keep reoccurring. Time is needed to look back and assess and measure and keep working to reach the best health outcomes for you.
- Most clients fit into the category of needing at least 3-6 months worth of treatment, then casual monitoring after that. In that time, the number of consults you attend will depend on how you are progressing, and the nature of what you are hoping to achieve. For chronic and ongoing conditions, clients often continue treatment for years and follow-ups once every few months. Even for acute health issues that have been resolved, clients often return for check-ups once every 6 or 12 months, especially if another health issue has occurred in the meantime. Usually a follow-up consultation is required within 3-5 weeks after the original two consult, and then every 4-9 weeks after, spaced apart accordingly.
- Follow-ups are important and necessary to see how you are finding the treatment and how you are progressing. If you don't like an aspect of the treatment, you need to let your practitioner know, so you are not wasting your valuable time and money! Otherwise, you will have spent money on treatment and wasted time only to give up. Stay focused and don't lose sight of your health goals. If budget is an issue you won't be pressured to commit to what you don't feel comfortable with, however, you need to let me know so I am aware. Then we can collaborate to find ways to work within your budget. I will never recommend treatments that are unnecessary or that you don't want to try. I believe in a 'patient-centred approach', which means you give me ideas of your goals and preferences and we stick to that wherever possible.
- A lot of the time, you will only get out of your treatment what you put in. I am here as a practitioner to guide you on what changes to make, however I can't make changes for you! Many people are caught up in a stressful, busy life and often forget to appreciate themselves and their health. Remember to look after yourself, and start being more mindful of your health.
How much does it cost?
For new clients, the first couple of weeks are scheduled as follows:
1. The first consultation: 1 hour duration approx.
- This is a ‘fact-finding’ consult, which is simply an interview so that I can find out as much about your health as I can. I will also find out from you what your main health goals are so we know what our focus will be. Basic testing is given, such as blood pressure testing, measuring your height and weight, and an Iridology examination (read more about Iridology here).
2. Research time
In between these two consultations, I spend multiple hours (usually 2-3 hours) researching and putting together your treatment plan. No two people are the same, so everyone requires a different approach, and this is put together freshly for each client. New research is also released all the time in health, so I work hard to give you the most up-to-date approach. You can see already that just with the first consult, research and second consult, I allocate roughly 4 or 5 hours to each new client. This is why the initial payment is required in a lump sum to begin with.
3. The second consultation, usually 1 week after initial consult: 45 minutes duration
- This is a ‘report-giving’ consult, where I explain in detail where you stand health-wise, and how we can reach your goals short and long-term. The advice given from here on in will be a one-step-at-a- time approach. With complex cases, we need to work together over a period of time and monitor them as you go. If I was to give you all the steps in one go, this would be information overload! I have tried this approach in the past for clients and we have found that over time it is actually better to fix things brick-by-brick, much like you would with a home renovation – you wouldn’t have all the tradespeople there on the one day at once to fix a house with multiple issues!
4. Follow-up consultations
- Usually 3-5 weeks later and then spaced apart further once you begin to improve. They run for 30-45 mins duration.
- Ideally, you will get the most out of your treatment plan if you continue to log your progress at follow-ups for at least 3-6 months. For more complex cases, this could even be 12 months or more.
Correspondence in between consults is free: While a lot of practitioners charge extra to correspond with their clients in between appointments via phone / email / skype, I usually do not. Since you are making some big health changes, it is common to feel a little overwhelmed or unsure. This is why it's so important to keep in touch with me and not feel worried about being charged. If your health issues change dramatically in between consults, it is usually recommended that you then schedule a closer follow-up appointment so that we're not back at 'Square One' next time I see you.
For new clients (I have never consulted with you before) who require an urgent remedy to a situation, these can also be slotted into a shorter first-time appointment and a remedy found for you at that first consult wherever possible. Then once the health issue has been alleviated you will be invited to book in a proper initial & second consult.
Naturopathy is not a one-time deal. For most people, several consults are needed to provide solutions long-term for their health, especially since most cases are complex. You get the most value for your money if you plan to attend at least three or four consultations. This is similar to when you would see a doctor or specialist - you would often return to get updated advice as your situation changes.
Discounts for multiple consultations (same location) provided on same day at sequential times:
Often if I am asked to consult with a child or adult, I am also invited to provide a consult for other family members. I offer discounts for more than one consult offered at the same day and place, usually $10 off the second and any subsequent consultations. For example, at one location and date, I might see an adult at 9am and their two children at 10am & 11am. The children would each receive a $10 discount from their consult fees. The discount also applies to concurrent follow-up consultations.
Supplements, herbal medicines and flower essences are extra, and are obtained from quality suppliers only. I will guide you as to which are the most suited to you. See below also on how to order supplements.
But I'm on a budget. Can I afford it?
You are never pressured to stick to a rigid schedule when keeping appointments if your funds do not allow for it. Nor will I push you to purchase things you cannot afford! It is important to note though that you need to make priorities for yourself. If your health is important to you, you may need to make sacrifices of other things that you view as less important in order to improve your health. Chronic illnesses sometimes worsen as time goes on, which means you may not get the help you need, costing you more in the long run. Ethical practitioners such as myself never recommend treatments that are unnecessary just to get a dollar out of you!
Please, however, give me as much notice as you can if you need to postpone an appointment, as others may be in need of your timeslot and can be organised to be seen instead if you let me know early enough.
Since Naturopathy is 'holistic' (looks at issues body-wide all at once), it is sometimes better value for money than some other health services that charge a very high rate for much shorter consultations. I do fresh research for every new person that I see, after each consult we meet at. Everyone is different, so no two people will have the same identical treatment plan.
Which payment methods are accepted?
To pay for consultations, cash is probably the easiest method of payment, however EFTPOS is available for VISA & Mastercard, subject to a 2.6% fee per transaction (payable by you). To pay via EFTPOS at the time of the consult, I must either be able to connect to reliable Wifi, or have access to 3G or 4G mobile phone service in your area. Note: this might not be possible for some locations if there is a lack of reliable mobile phone signal strength in your area. Direct bank transfer and cheques are also available payment methods for consults if arranged at least a few days prior.
For herbal medicines and other supplements being supplied straight from my dispensary, usually bank transfer is the preferred method, or cash in some instances if you don't have online bank facilities. Usually these require payment upfront because they are custom made and cannot be resold if you change your mind later.
For supplements coming from my suppliers, usually credit card is the acceptable payment method and this is payable straight to the supplier.
Download the Naturopath 2 U payment policy information.
What can I expect at a consultation?
- I will discuss with you in detail your past medical history, family medical history (where available), current diet and lifestyle information. Any health information you want to cover will be covered where time allows.
- All of the information (written and verbal) is strictly confidential, and will not be disclosed unless you personally authorise me to discuss your medical history with your doctor or other health professionals as agreed by you on your behalf.
- There are only two rare exceptions to the above confidentiality rule.
- I must inform authorities if the patient or anyone else will be harmed
- if a court subpoena is presented I must surrender all required information under legal order.
- After the consultation, you will be either emailed or mailed a receipt for the appointment, plus any other dietary, supplementation information or lifestyle advice needed to complete your health goals as have been discussed with me during the consultation. Depending on how detailed it needs to be, this can take up to a few days to prepare.
- This will include information on where to buy supplements if they are needed, referral letters for any practitioners you have been asked to see, a list of lifestyle modifications to follow, etc.
When is a follow-up required?
After the first and second consults, follow-ups are usually recommended 3-5 weeks later, and then spaced apart accordingly, usually further apart as you progress. If you have a particularly complex or extensive case, this may call for a bit of a shorter timeframe. I will discuss all of this with you after assessing your case.
During a follow-up, aspects of your health history are touched on that were brought up in the first or previous consultations. You will be asked to give a recount of your symptoms or ailments that were discussed previously and estimate any changes that have occurred. This is an opportunity for you to be guided and motivated by me on a continual basis in order for you to reach your optimum health goals.
While a lot of practitioners charge to correspond with their clients in between appointments via phone / email / skype, I usually do not. Since you are making some big health changes, it is common to feel a little overwhelmed or unsure. This is why it's so important to keep in touch with me and not feel worried about being charged. If your health issues change dramatically in between consults, it is usually recommended that you then schedule a closer follow-up appointment so that we're not back at 'Square One' next time I see you.
Is Naturopathy a long-term thing?
Everybody is dramatically different. “Long-term” may mean a few months to one person, six months to someone else, and years to someone else. We all have different goals for our health, and will progress at different rates. Once you have had Naturopathy treatment to reach your initial health goals, other health issues may come up, in which case I will guide you to step up the number of sessions accordingly depending on what fits in with you.
Overall though, Naturopathy can be something we as individuals all routinely come back to, for optimum health and longevity. Most of my clients have been with me for several years. Clients who are going well are usually encouraged to sit a follow-up consult yearly, that way any behaviour or interference of other health events that may cause health to digress can be avoided before the issue flares up and becomes more of a concern. A lot of Naturopathy is about prevention of more chronic and serious health issues.
How should I prepare for my first consultation?
Please contact me using the contact form or email lisa@naturopath2u.com.au to book your consultation. Consults are via appointment only.
At the time of booking your consult, I will need the following info:
- Your address & preferred time & date for the appointment
- Is there a space inside your house or office away from distractions, noise and others where the consultation can take place?
- Please ensure that you have any blood tests or lab results, prescription medications or supplements you are taking ready.
- Clients who are children under the age of 18 will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian for the entire duration of the consult. For legal reasons, there can be no exceptions.
- If you are not well on the day, please let me know as far ahead of time as possible so that I can reschedule your appointment for another date.
- A cancellation fee of 50% of the consultation fee applies if the appointment is cancelled without 48 hours notice prior to the consult without valid reason.
- Cash is the preferred payment method, however EFTPOS is available for VISA & Mastercard, subject to a 2.6% fee per transaction (payable by you), and I must either be able to connect to reliable Wifi, or have access to 3G or 4G mobile phone service in your area. Note: this might not be possible for some rural areas if you normally do not have high mobile phone signal strength.
- Direct bank transfer and cheques are also available payment methods where arranged prior.
- Since I am a mobile practitioner, I am affected by traffic, so please keep in mind when arranging your appointment that while I make every effort to keep the correct arrival time as arranged, there may be rare occasions when I am held up. I will of course keep you posted should this occur.
How can I order supplements if they are recommended?
- If your treatment plan requires products from Practitioner Supplements or Metagenics, I will first set up a 'patient account' for you via my practitioner account online.
- You will then receive a welcome email, where you can click on and follow a link to initiate your patient account online.
- Once you login, you will see the products listed there relevant to you (following my recommendations).
- You are then able to place the order when you are ready, and it will be sent straight to your address. How easy is that?
There are also several other suppliers who have a patient ordering system available, so I will give you more details if this applies to you.
For liquid herbal medicines or Flower Essences, pre-payment is required prior to them being delivered to you, as once they are prepared they cannot be resold to another client. No two people will have the same herbal treatment approach, as they are made to suit the individual. Herbal medicines are strictly only available to purchase from me directly, as I am appropriately qualified, insured and authorised to dispense liquid herbal medicines by valid means of exemption from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA Act).
When ordering probiotics, it is best to place the order early in the week to ensure it reaches you before the weekend. Testing is done on the probiotics and through the suppliers used by Naturopath 2 U, these supplements have been deemed to retain their quality it out of the fridge for a short period of time during transit. They are usually delivered with an ice pack for good measure.
If homeopathy is required for your treatment plan, I will usually advise you to call Newton's Pharmacy in Sydney to get remedies directly from them. I will give you the names and doses of remedies required and all you need to do is call them on (02) 9267 7889 to place the order. It will be mailed straight to you.
Naturopath 2 U only recommends products, supplements & herbal medicines that have been quality-tested and are manufactured to high standards.
Why should I see a Naturopath to have specific supplements recommended to me
Why not just go and buy one off the shelf?
- At each consultation, I will make recommendations where necessary for your treatment plan. This may or may not include supplementation, either herbal and / or nutritional. Remember that all supplements ('natural' or not) still have the potential to cause harm if taken with certain medications or in certain situations.
- I definitely take your budget and daily schedule into account when making these recommendations, as well as other factors that feel relevant to you.
- The products I recommend are of a high quality. More often than not, they are from a 'practitioner only' range, which means they cannot appear on shelves, they must be at only especially authorised retail stores locked up and available to clients only who can show a prescription from a relevant health practitioner.
- I only make recommendations for products you need. Isn't that logical value for money?
- The suppliers I obtain products from are selective about which practitioners they allow to sell their products (only those who have obtained a level of study and experience in their profession). The reason I prefer to recommend products from these suppliers is because I know (1) where the product comes from (2) how it is made (3) they have been backed by clinical or scientific evidence. Many of the products that appear to the public at retail stores are a big mystery for these three factors.
- As some people are aware, the neutraceutical market is very saturated with nutritional and herbal supplements and other types of health products. While the Therapeutic Goods Administration (T.G.A.) regulates the quality of products sold in Australia, and how they are sold generally, these products are currently not controlled in Australia and turn up on shelves in supermarkets, pharmacies and health food stores.
- Apart from being potentially harmful, purchasing these products without a formally trained practitioner's assessment can be confusing and a waste of money if you're not getting the right thing for you.
- The people that work in these retail settings are often not qualified or formally trained in Nutrition / Herbal medicine, and therefore may not give you quality advice. This also means supplements they may recommend could conflict with your medication. For example, did you know even garlic and vitamin C can conflict with high blood pressure medication? Or that St. John's Wort may affect the oral contraceptive pill? Many people are not! These products may not contain disclaimers of this nature either.
- More often than not, when I meet with a client for the first consultation, they bring me a small 'caddy' containing a plethora of things they have purchased and are taking (or taking sporadically)!